About Us

Potion Life - It's personal

When I hit my late thirties I started to notice that my hangovers were getting worse and worse. Even when I was only having one or two drinks, my usual go to cure hangover cure of a packet of Monster Munch and a diet coke was no longer cutting it. My day job at the time (Head of Marketing for an awesome beauty brand) saw me working alongside some amazing Doctors, herbalists, nutritionists and product development experts. One day when I was feeling exceptionally fuzzy after two glasses of red the night before and I ended up grilling my colleagues for ways I could make myself feel better. 

That's where the Potion Life journey started.


Elly x


The Potion Life story?

Ever wondered how to recover from a hangover? So did we!

Our company was created in response to an age-old question: why does going out and having fun have to be such a headache the next day? 

Alcohol affects different people in different ways, from headaches and tiredness to a total inability to think straight. A 2018 study found that hangovers are linked to memory and attention deficits, making focusing on work the following day next to impossible for some. Add that to drowsiness, dehydration, digestion problems and inflammation, and it’s easy to see why so many of us struggle to function the day after a few drinks.

Formed in partnership with a team of scientific experts, our flagship product After Party was three years in the making and a real labour of love. Our co-founder Elly - then the Head of Marketing for a well known beauty brand - had started to notice that her ability to stay bright eyed and bushy tailed after a night on the tiles wasn’t what it used to be. Every night out was followed by a thumping, fuzzy head, and she found herself wondering how to recover from a hangover without having to bulk up on stodge and sugar.

Seeking the advice of nutritionists and herbalists, Elly started gathering data about natural remedies and quick hangover cures that actually work. It turned out that there were a few ingredients that were believed to have the power to tackle that “morning after the night before” feeling, but no single product that brought them all together. So, working with a crack team of nutritionists, herbalists, doctors and product development experts,  Elly took to the lab to create something really different.

Three years later, and after a multitude of grim tasting potions that didn’t cut the mustard, Elly and the team finally had their Eureka! moment and After Party was born. Not only does it perform, it tastes amazing - and since partnering with one of the UK’s leading development labs we are now proud to announce that After Party is 100% vegan too.

After Party isn’t just about restoring wellness after a few drinks. It’s also a great pick-me-up after a period of illness, being run down or travelling. It’s estimated that more than 3 million people in the UK aren’t getting the minerals and vitamins they need to live their best lives, and we all know that stress and heavy workloads can impact heavily on our health. Our mission is to make it as easy as possible to maintain a sense of wellbeing, no matter what challenges life throws in our way.

We’re continuing to work hard and have lots more exciting products in the pipeline to help you live life to the fullest, so watch this space! From quick hangover cures that actually work, to pick me ups after a long day, we’re dedicated to finding quick and easy ways to have a life well lived.